Sunday, February 23, 2025

Walgrove Weekly Message

Dear Families and Staff, 

I hope you are faring well. Perhaps you are also watching the SAG-AFTRA awards?

So, in the spirit of brevity, here is some of what is coming up this week at Walgrove:


School 8:05am-2:32pm

CKLA Lab Day for specific teachers

Tutoring for some in Gr 4-5 in Rm 24 2:45-3:15

After School Activities 2:32-6pm


School 8:05am-1:32pm

After School Activities 1:32-6pm

Staff Meeting and PD in Rm 19 1:45pm


Dr. K at Principal Meeting at Pio Pico Middle School

School 8:05am-2:32pm

Tutoring for some in Gr 4-5 in Rm 24 2:45-3:15

After School Activities 2:32-6pm


School 8:05am-2:32pm

GATE testing for a few students 845am

Tutoring for some in Gr 4-5 in Rm 24 2:45-3:15

After School Activities 2:32-6pm


Morning assembly in the Quad. Mr. DeLeon's class to lead the Pledge. Black History Month Quiz Show 8:05am

After School Activities 2:32-6pm

Frozen Friday


Volunteer on campus in the garden and beyond 9-1

Parent Conference Week March 3-7, 2025 SHORTENED DAYS ALL WEEK

Let's have a great week, Walgrove!

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Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Coffee and Diet Coke with the Principal Tonight at 7 in Dr. K's Zoom Room

Dear Walgrove Families, 

Each year, we strive to offer multiple opportunities and methods for parents to receive information about and provide input on Gifted and Talented Education (GATE). Tonight at 7 in my Zoom room, I will share some info and take questions on Gifted and Talented Education, Gifted Magnets, and Schools for Advanced Studies (SAS). Walgrove is a School for Advanced Studies. I will also discuss the OLSAT-8, which is a particular gifted screener that LAUSD second-graders take  in March of their second-grade year to trigger gifted identification in one of seven categories. 

Please join me. We will consider:

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Monday, February 17, 2025

Walgrove Weekly Message

Dear Walgrove Families and Staff, 

Happy Presidents' Day. If you are skiing, I hope there is abundant snow. If you are at the beach, I hope there are surfable waves. If you are protesting or counter-protesting or otherwise putting your voice out there, I hope you feel a sense of agency and empowerment and that you are able to love your opponent despite everything.

Here are a few hopefully-helpful reminders:


Parents and teachers, please visit the Lost and Found. Teachers, feel free to bring your class on a field trip to it. We will put it ALL out there at Friday morning's assembly. Remaining items will be laundered and donated next Saturday, February 22.


Parents, please resist sending snacks that are all/only Fritos, Cheetos, donuts, Pop-tarts other non-nutrition items. Many of the kids with such items in their posession eat them for breakfast, snack and lunch, and they eat nothing else. Here is some info on the negative effects of such food on kids. We do offer free breakfast, lunch, and snack -- some of which is processed, yes, but much of which includes important nutrients. Please don't send giant bags, as they encourage students to share, and food-sharing is an LAUSD no-no because of unanticipated sensitivities and allergies. No one wants to be the reason someone else gets sick or has an allergic reaction. 


Attendance at school is, you know, cumpulsory, and interestingly, even excused absences count as absences. Please read more on attendance (and do the AttenDANCE) here.


Please keep toys, games, collecting cards and other beloved personal items at home, as they cause a stir at school. You may bring items for Show and Tell so long as they are under the teacher's direct care. You may bring a beloved stuffy if you are willing to risk it and so long as it does not cause a stir. Please don't bring a life-size stuffy. While that would be interesting as all getout, it would definitely cause a stir; and I might take it because, well, I love life-size stuffies. 


Tomorrow is the first day of the District-wide technology ban. While we at Walgrove already had in -place a policy of no-recreational-use-of-technology (including while attending the after-school program), this is now district-wide. At Walgrove, we keep personal tech items, now including watches, in personal backpacks. Only students with exceptions in their 504s or IEPs can use their tech -- or others after school to call home with the permission of admin and under the direct supervision of staff. This is per the Walgrove LSLC. 

Here is some of what is coming up this week at Walgrove:


DRESS UP  IN PURPLE AND GOLD OR LAKER GEAR (in honor of Michael Rosales!)

School 8:05am-1:32pm

20+-year Special Ed Assistant and Instructional Aide Michael Rosales Celebration on the blue basketball court 11:30am

After School Activities 1:32-6pm

Staff Meeting and PD in Rm 19 1:45pm

Coffee and Diet Coke with the Principal iDr. K's Zoom room 7pm  
>> Focus on the OLSAT-8 test for 2nd graders March 19-20 and Gifted and Talented Education (GATE)


School 8:05am-2:32pm

After School Activities 2:32-6pm


School 8:05am-2:32pm

Region West Instructional Rounds 8-12

LSLC Meeting in Dr. K's Zoom room 3:15

After School Activities 2:32-6pm


Morning assembly in the Quad. Ms. DeWig's class to lead the Pledge. Room 21 Pilots to perform. 8:05am

FOW Community Meeting in the Parent Center 8:15 (or after the assembly)

Last day of Vision Screenings

After School Activities 2:32-6pm

Frozen Friday


Volunteer on campus in the garden and beyond 9-1

Let's have a great week, Walgrove!

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Friday, February 14, 2025

Restorative Saturdays 9-1

Dear Walgrove Families and Staff, 

This is a happy reminder that tomorrow and all Saturdays from now through Memorial Day Weekend, I will be on campus welcoming folks who would like to enjoy the healing power of the garden and/or other areas on campus through volunteerism.

Things to do in the Wildlands: complete the task of putting cardboard and mulch in the rockways; weed the pathways; restore things to their rightful places (e.g., rocks to the rock pathways, stumps to the surrounds); protect the newly planted plants; other tasks that emerge.

Things to do in the organic edible veggie garden: admire its beauty; help Adam with things if/when he is there; harvest fruits, veggies, and legumes that need harvesting; help me tend the chickens; remove human-made debris (e.g., that old shed, any trash).

Things to do in the flower boxes across campus: rehabilitate dying plants, replace dead plants, weed, and, when it isn't raining, water.

Help with set design and building in the auditorium (on the days there are such things to do).

Help with classroom and other-room beautification.

Help with the Lost and Found because it is like AI. It keeps growing and is about to take over. I believe it may already be sentient.

Pick up wayward sweatshirts, water bottles, and balls.

More stuff I haven't yet thunk up. 

Feel free to bring kids, scooters, and bikes but no dogs. 

Enter via the open gate on Morningside.

Thank you, and see some of you soon!

Dr. K

Happy Valentine's Day!

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Walgrove Weekly Message

Dear Walgrovers, 

Happy Lunar New Year! Happy Super Bowl Weekend! Happy Black History Month! Happy Spring!

Please consider a few tidbits of info:

If you drive to school and you want to escort your kiddos to class, please park on Maplewood or down the street on Morningside or Appleton to allow for staff to park in the parking lots and to allow the buses to park. Please don't make three-point turns, u-turns, or park in a way that clogs traffic. 
We encourage early drop-offs. We offer free morning supervision as early as 7:30am.

If you are a gum enthusiast, please don't give it to your kiddos to bring to school, as it lands on the ground and creates a hazard. Here is a song I wrote about gum

If you have clothes in your closet (or used to), please know that our Lost and Found is HUGE. Like Jack and the Beanstalk huge. Like Grand Canyon huge. Like the planet Jupiter huge. Here is a song I wrote about the Lost and Found. 

After this coming week, we will launder and donate what remains. Though, please take only what is yours, as we don't want to create any undue conflict on the playground. 

A gargantuan congratulations to Walgrove fifth grader Maria Rosa Monteiro de Oliveira who fared incredibly well in the LAUSD Region West Scripps Spelling Bee this last Monday! She left very few 4th-8th grade spellers standing! Thank you, Rosa, for representing Walgrove so well!!!

Finally, a hearty thank-you to all who volunteered yesterday, Saturday, in the garden and the auditorium, weeding weeds and planting seeds for our musical theater production. I have more pics but they are on Farmer Adam's phone. 

Here is some of what is coming up this week at Walgrove:


School 8:05am-2:32pm

After School Activities 2:32-6pm


School 8:05am-1:32pm

After School Activities 1:32-6pm

Staff Meeting and PD in Rm 19 1:45pm


School 8:05am-2:32pm

After School Activities 2:32-6pm

PS Arts Family Art Night in the Auditorium. Bring yourself, your kids, and your love of making a mess! 5pm


School 8:05am-2:32pm

After School Activities 2:32-6pm


Morning assembly in the Quad. Ms. DeWig's class to lead the Pledge. Room 21 Pilots to perform. 8:05am

Some folks on a Field Trip. 

After School Activities 2:32-6pm

Frozen Friday


Dr. K hosts families/volunteers in the garden 9-1


Let's have a great week, Walgrove!

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Monday, February 3, 2025

We Are One - Know Your Rights

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Sunday, February 2, 2025

Walgrove Weekly Message

Dear Walgrove Families and Staff, 

I hope your weekend is awesome and replete with all kinds of winning, whether that be in sports, music, games or life. 

I'm here at school this weekend beautifying a few things, including one of our newly established classrooms that was storing thousands of old textbooks a week ago. Thank you, parent donors, who supported the effort, and thank you, parent volunteers who came yesterday to work in the garden! Walgrove is very grateful for all the love!

Speaking of beauty, love, and newness, happy Lunar New Year (2025 is the Year of the Snake) from Ms. B's class!

Here is some of what is coming up this week at Walgrove:


School 8:05am-2:32pm

After School Activities 2:32-6pm

Scripps Spelling Bee Region West Competition at RFK Complex of Schools 4:30pm -- Come support Walgrove's own Maria Rosa Monteiro de Oliveira as she competes!


School 8:05am-1:32pm

All-Day ILT Meeting Rm 26 (Dr K's Office) 8:45-1:15

After School Activities 1:32-6pm

Staff Meeting and PD in Rm 19 1:45pm


School 8:05am-2:32pm

After School Activities 2:32-6pm


School 8:05am-2:32pm

Parent Community Building Circle with Nina Madjid in the Parent Center 8:30am

After School Activities 2:32-6pm


Morning assembly in the Quad. Ms. DeWig's class to lead the Pledge. Room 21 Pilots to perform. 8:05am

Coffee and Diet Coke with the Principal in the Parent Center 8:30am

EPO Meeting (Dr. K on Zoom) 9:15 to noon


After School Activities 2:32-6pm

Frozen Friday


Dr. K hosts families/volunteers in the garden 9-1

Let's have a great week, Walgrove!

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