Friday, February 14, 2025

Restorative Saturdays 9-1

Dear Walgrove Families and Staff, 

This is a happy reminder that tomorrow and all Saturdays from now through Memorial Day Weekend, I will be on campus welcoming folks who would like to enjoy the healing power of the garden and/or other areas on campus through volunteerism.

Things to do in the Wildlands: complete the task of putting cardboard and mulch in the rockways; weed the pathways; restore things to their rightful places (e.g., rocks to the rock pathways, stumps to the surrounds); protect the newly planted plants; other tasks that emerge.

Things to do in the organic edible veggie garden: admire its beauty; help Adam with things if/when he is there; harvest fruits, veggies, and legumes that need harvesting; help me tend the chickens; remove human-made debris (e.g., that old shed, any trash).

Things to do in the flower boxes across campus: rehabilitate dying plants, replace dead plants, weed, and, when it isn't raining, water.

Help with set design and building in the auditorium (on the days there are such things to do).

Help with classroom and other-room beautification.

Help with the Lost and Found because it is like AI. It keeps growing and is about to take over. I believe it may already be sentient.

Pick up wayward sweatshirts, water bottles, and balls.

More stuff I haven't yet thunk up. 

Feel free to bring kids, scooters, and bikes but no dogs. 

Enter via the open gate on Morningside.

Thank you, and see some of you soon!

Dr. K