Wednesday, November 30, 2022

UPDATE Regarding Acceleration Days w/Registration Info

Dear Walgrove Community,

This is an update regarding the Acceleration Days scheduled for December 19 and 20.

While our site will NOT be open for the Acceleration Days (the District did not select us as a site), I am pleased to share that our families and employees can participate at a neighboring site: 



Elementary: Broadway, Braddock 

Middle: Marina Del Rey, Mark Twain

High: Venice

Special Ed Center: McBride

Monday, December 19, and Tuesday, December 20.

Over the next several days, we will receive and provide additional information about this important program, but I wanted to share the following: 

  • Walgrove students will report to Broadway.

  • LAUSD is extending student registration for Acceleration Days. There is another opportunity for students to register this week. 

  • Parents, if you would like to register your children to participate and have not already via the District survey, please contact the school office or, better yet, complete this google form so Tracy and I can easily and accurately facilitate registration:

  • Employees may also still register. Employees interested in participating should contact Tracy or myself. 

  • Students and employees participating will receive confirmation letters beginning the week of 12/5.

  • The deadline for additional student and staff registration is Tuesday, 12/6.

Please remember that Acceleration Days offer key opportunities for both intervention and enrichment. The schedule will mirror our regular daily schedule, and we will have Food Services and Beyond the Bell after-school care available.  


Thank you, and please see me if you have any questions. 



Dr. Andrea Kittelson


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Monday, November 28, 2022

Weekly Walgrove Message

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Dear Walgrove Families and staff,

I hope you had a stupendous week of stupendous frolicking, wonder and joy.

There are three weeks of instruction before Winter Break with much to look forward to, including Volunteer Day Saturday, December 10, and our Holiday Program "Winter Sing" coupled with Holiday Market, both December 15. 

In addition, on December 19-20, there are two additional days of optional instruction for those who desire. Parents and Staff, if you answered the survey saying you are interested in attending or working, the District will let you/us know soon where to report. I, myself, have signed up to work on those days. 

Here is some of what is coming up this week at Walgrove:


  • Councilman Mike Bonin visits Ms. Zeena’s class and Dr. K in the afternoon

  • Violin 2:30 in the Auditorium

  • After-school tutoring



  • PAJAMA DAY - Students, staff and parents are invited to wear pajamas ALL DAY!

  • LDW principals gather in the Walgrove Library from 8-12 and from 9-10:05 visit classrooms looking for student engagement, student voice and Universal Design for Learning (UDL) during CGI math

  • Ms. Pliska and Mr. G have a field trip to the Ballona Wetlands

  • 2:45 SSPT

  • After-school tutoring



  • 8:05am Assembly in the Quad. Ms. Biolatto’s class to lead the Pledge

  • FOW meeting in the Parent Center right after the assembly

  • Submit student writing to Dr. K for the first 2022-2023 edition of the literary journal “Wings

  • 4:30pm Memorial Service for 30-year volunteer Michael Stenger in the Auditorium and Wildlands. All are welcome! 


  • ELPAC Training (Dr. K and perhaps Ms. Webster)

  • 7pm Angel City Chorale with the Angel City Youth Chorale (including 20+ Walgrove Students) at Royce Hall - BUY TIX HERE!


  • 3PM Angel City Chorale with the Angel City Youth Chorale (including 20+ Walgrove Students) at Royce Hall - BUY TIX HERE!

Let's have a great week, Walgrove!

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony Friday, Nov 18 8:45 AM

Join us Friday, November 18 at 8:45am in the Upper Yard adjacent to the Edible Garden for a ribbon-cutting ceremony during which we unveil our student-designed chicken habitat.

During the 2021-2022 school year, under the guidance of STEAM Studio teachers Francesca Forcucci and Robert Apodaca, second- and third-grade students studied human habitats, animal habitats, chicken habitats, and chickens. Next, they brainstormed the ingredients of an optimal chicken habitat, met with an architect, designed a rendering, built scale models, measured land and made a list of materials. 

Then they, their parents, and the STEAM Team (mostly their parents and the STEAM Team) built it!

Now, it's ready for hens Kevin, Rose, Seline, Potato and Chickpea (listed in apparent pecking order) and any new hens we may add to the happy, well-housed flock!

So, come on Friday, and for an added lay-er of fun, dress like a chicken (in whatever way you feel henspired)!


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Monday, November 14, 2022

Acceleration Day Info

To support students who may need extra support, the District is providing four additional days of school December 19-20 and April 3-4. 

Classes will happen at several conveniently located sites. 

Administrators, staff and students who opt-in will be assigned to these sites, which may or may not be the same as their typical site.

The District sent surveys to all families and staff. So that the District leaders and site administrators can plan, please answer that survey, which was sent to your email. 

While all students are invited to attend, students who meet these criteria are specially invited:

The District will provide more information imminently, such as specific information on which sites will be open with which staff members. 

I signed up to work December 19-20 and April 3-4. So, if Walgrove is selected to be a site, I will be here with bells on. If I am assigned to another site, it will likely be close by and will likely involve 
Walgrove students.

I will share with you more information, as I receive it. 

So, stay tuned!

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Thursday, November 10, 2022

Upcoming Student Council-Sponsored Events

Walgrove's Student Council is hard at work planning altruistic and fun events and activities!

For the month of November:

> Canned Food Drive November 14-18. Bring non-perishables to place outside Rm 8. 

> Pajama Day, November 30. Wear your PJ's to school!

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Saturday, November 5, 2022

Daylight Savings Time ENDS Tonight!

Tonight at 2am (which is really tomorrow), turn your clock back one hour. Then sleep some more!

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To ignore the clock, press "snooze."
Para ignorar el reloj, presione "snooze."

Thursday, November 3, 2022

Translating Electronic Messages

Did you know that Walgrove families speak over 20 languages? 

Walgrove students and families speak Brazilian Portuguese, Armenian, Telugu, Bulgarian, Polish, Farsi, Spanish, Swedish, Hebrew, Tagalog and more. 

So, how do we communicate with so many families who speak so many different languages?

One way is to demonstrate embedded translation features. 

One such feature: right-click, choose "translate," and then select your language of choice. 

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Walgrove Free Tutoring

In the spirit of offering additional academic support to those who may need or desire extra support, the District is offering a tutoring system comprised of three layers, one for each level of increased support:

Tier 1 - Universal: Tutoring for ALL LAUSD students via, which is a virtual (albeit live) program wherein live tutors respond to queries, explain concepts, review work, give advice and more. This is free of charge and available 24/7 to all LAUSD students. Simply log into Schoology using your Single Sign-On (SSO), which is your LAUSD email and password, click the "Paper" link, and a live tutor will immediately respond. (No separate login for parents. Parents access through the student interface.) The program currently offers four languages: English, Spanish, French and Mandarin, and every session is recorded and saved for future reference. There is no video. This is not over zoom. Instead, involves chat, voice memos, a shared whiteboard, an upload feature and more. It is seemingly quite robust and very user friendly. ATTEND A ZOOM MONDAY AT 5PM IN DR K'S ZOOM ROOM FOR A DEMO WITH CO-HOST JUAN MADRIGAL.

Tier 2 - For Some in Need: After-school tutoring in small groups for 6-10 weeks for students invited based on DIBELS, Edulastic, SBAC and/or IAB scores. The tutors are Walgrove teachers that volunteer to work overtime. Last Spring, Ms. Webster provided this service. This Fall, it is my understanding that she will again with one or more additional teachers. More information is forthcoming. 


After-school tutoring, either 1:1 or in small groups, in the Library for 30 minutes for an unspecified number of days/weeks. Tutors are high school students from Venice and El Segundo High. This program was created by high school students. An El Segundo High School student named LaV and I co-administer this program. We are currently serving approximately 20 students. There are more on our list that we hope to serve imminently. This is the sign-up sheet. If you are interested (and in Tier-2 need), feel free to sign up. Not everyone who requests is guaranteed a spot, but we will do what we can. 

Tier 3 - For Smaller Few in Greatest Need: "High-Dosage" tutoring for students demonstrating the greatest need in the schools with the greatest need. Currently, Walgrove is not one of these schools. 


After-school tutoring 1:1 for as many days/weeks as are mutually agreed upon with certificated teacher who volunteers to work overtime. 


Please speak to your teacher(s) to see if they recommend tutoring for your kiddo(s), and please let me know if you have any questions or suggestions.

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