Thursday, June 3, 2021

Last Day of School June 11

Because the District swapped January 11 for June 11, Friday, June 11 is now a full day of instruction. It is also the last day of instruction. 

So that we may celebrate our culminating 5th graders in style, and so that all who want to attend the ceremony can attend the ceremony, that last day of instruction will be virtual. Live Zoom instruction will be from 8:00 - 11:00am. Asynchronous instruction will be from 12:00 - 3:00pm. 

So that 5th grade teachers may attend the ceremony, some classes may be combined. (For example, while Ms. B and Ms. Bowens attend the ceremony, their fourth graders may Zoom with Ms. Jones. Ms. Rose's third and fourth-graders will likely Zoom with Mr. Stansbury. These details are TBD.)

Those who rely on STAR/Beyond the Bell for childcare may bring their kiddos, as usual, from 8-4. Jonney will do his best to make sure that students log into Zoom and participate in virtual instruction. The rest of his team will arrive in time for the asynchronous portion of the day. 

The culmination ceremony will be at 9:00am in my (Dr. K's) Zoom room

The in-person, drive-in tailgate reception will follow at 12:00 in the upper yard. Each culminating fifth-grader will be allotted one parking spot for a car containing immediate family. Any fifth-grader who has two sets of custodial parents (separation, joint custody, etc) will be allotted two parking spots.

Per District policy, all culminating fifth-graders who have been studying virtually and who want to come to campus to participate in the in-person, drive-in tailgate reception should obtain a negative COVID result beforehand. Adult attendees are not required to have negative test results. I imagine the reason is that the students will be more mobile. (Note: negative test results for all, and full vaccination for those 12 and up are highly recommended.)

Students will be allowed to leave their cars to go to the centrally located Red Carpet area to retrieve diplomas, yearbooks, t-shirts and have their pics taken. 

Per LA County Department of Public Health, we are not allowed to sell concessions. Any/all food should be contained within the cars. 

All staff will be on campus all day. Teachers will Zoom from their rooms and then use asynchronous time to prep their rooms and cum files. (And of course visit the drive-in tailgate reception, as desired.)

If you have any questions, concerns or fancy ideas, please contact Anderson's All in This Together Graduation Car Decoration Kit,  Car Parade Float Decor: Health & Personal Care

Full In-Person School in the Fall