Dear Walgrove Families,
Each year, we strive to offer multiple opportunities and methods for parents to receive information about and provide input on Gifted and Talented Education (GATE). Tonight at 7 in my Zoom room, I will share some info and take questions on Gifted and Talented Education, Gifted Magnets, and Schools for Advanced Studies (SAS). Walgrove is a School for Advanced Studies. I will also discuss the OLSAT-8, which is a particular gifted screener that LAUSD second-graders take in March of their second-grade year to trigger gifted identification in one of seven categories.
Please join me. We will consider:
- LAUSD Categories of Gifted Learners
- LAUSD Referral Process
- LAUSD Audition Information
- LAUSD Gifted Programs and Schools
- Schools for Advanced Studies (SAS)
- Walgrove Glossary of Terms
- Universal Design for Learning (UDL), Arts Integration, and Project Based Learning (PBL)
- Social Emotional Learning for Gifted Learners
- Twice Exceptionality
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