Monday, January 20, 2025

Walgrove Weekly Message

Dear Walgrove Families and Staff, 

I hope you are enjoying this three-day weekend, as much as one can considering all that so many are going through right now. 

What inspires me to hold onto hope is the degree to which so many in the community are coming together to support one another. 

If you are in need of support, yourself, please reach out. Here are some great resources:

Regarding the status of things at Walgrove, based on the PurpleAir Air Quality index and certain stated parent desires, we will continue to offer indoor options this week for morning supervision, teacher-led PE, morning recess, lunch and lunch recess. Thank you for your flexibility during this time. I am as eager as you are to return to normalcy as soon as it is deemed healthful. 

Here is some of what is coming up this week at Walgrove:


School 8:05am-2:32pm

After-school program until 6pm

Virtual Tutoring TBD -- hopefully to resume Wednesday

Tap and Musical Theater schedule per Danielle Barto and Lisa Margeson


School 8:05am-1:32pm

After-school program 1:32-6pm

Staff Meeting and PD in Rm 19 1:45pm

Angel City Youth Chorale in the Auditorium 1:45pm

Coffee and Diet Coke with the Principal in Dr. K's Zoom room 7pm


School 8:05am-2:32pm

After-school program until 6pm

Chess before, during and after school until 7:30-3:45ish

Virtual Tutoring for some in Rm 24 2:45-3:15

Tap and Musical Theater schedule per Danielle Barto and Lisa Margeson


School 8:05am-2:32pm

After-school program until 6pm

Chess before, during and after school until 7:30-3:45ish

Virtual Tutoring for some in Rm 24 2:45-3:15

Tap and Musical Theater schedule per Danielle Barto and Lisa Margeson



Morning assembly in the Quad. Ms. Lima's class to lead the Pledge. Jack G to perform. 8:05am

Violin in the Library 2:32-3:30pm

Frozen Friday TBD

Let's have a great week, Walgrove!

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