Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Tweens and Social Media

Dear Walgrove Parents and Caretakers, 

Please join me for a special Coffee and Diet Coke with the Principal where we will address Tweens (and Teens) and Social Media

TONIGHT 7pm in my Zoom room


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Sunday, October 13, 2024

Walgrove Weekly Message

Dear Walgrove Families and Staff, 

Here are a few pics from the week. Thank you to all who performed; built ofrendas; made shoes; crafted water creatures; taught and learned math; facilitated snacktime; read stories; braved collaborative improv games; sang, danced and played instruments; hosted our first Prospective Parent Tour of the year and more!

Here is some of what is coming up this week at Walgrove:


Mrs. Flanagan at EL Training at Bernstein High 8am-3pm
Advanced Math Rm 20 2:40-3:30pm


Jason from iReady in the Staff Lounge to provide support and answer iReady questions 9am-1pm
Angel City Youth Chorale (sign up here) 1:45-3:00pm
Staff Meeting and PD (formal CKLA training with Courtney from CKLA) 1:45-3:45pm
Coffee and Diet Coke with the Principal in Dr. K's Zoom roomTopic Tweens and Social Media 7pm 


Dr. K at Principal Meeting at Pio Pico Middle School 8am-4pm
FIRST DAY OF ELA Tutoring with Tutored by Teachers in Rm 24 2:45-3:15pm


Narcan training for some in the Nurse office 8:30am
"The Great Shakeout" earthquake drill 10:17am (during recess)
Vision Screening, Grade 2 all day until completed (a few at a time) in the Parent Center
ELA Tutoring with Tutored by Teachers in Rm 24 2:45-3:15pm

Assembly in the Quad. Ms. Biolatto's class to lead the Pledge. Ms. B's class to present STEAM project. Attendance Butterfly to present attendance awards 8:05am
FOW Community Meeting in the Parent Center 8:30am
Violin with Ms. Danielle Villalobos in the Library (sign up here2:35-3:30pm


3rd Annual International Food Fest in the Walgrove Quad. Bring a dish from your family cookbook, beloved travel spot, or other heartfelt place 1-4pm 

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Thursday, October 10, 2024

Attendance Factoids

Here are a few factoids about attendance, tardies, and our morning and afternoon gates:

Attendance is compulsory for students 6 and up but hugely important for all students. It leads to learning and deep friendships AND is what funds the school. 

Students who miss 10% of the school year or more are considered "Chronically Absent." We get dinged as a school, both financially and otherwise, and kiddos miss learning and bonding.

Excused absences don't make the absences disappear. An excuse just tells the state the reason for the absence. This distinction between "excused" and "truant" absences becomes important during times of domestic strife and with increased vigor later on in middle and high school. 

Tardies don't carry as much weight, but they do matter. Students miss out on routines, learning and bonding. Teachers and classmates are interrupted. And tardies can be used against one parent or the other during domestic disputes. 

We strive to be generous here at Walgrove. We understand that parenting is hard, co-parenting is hard, traffic is trafficky, and our clientele here on the Mar Vista-Venice border is composed of creatives with very lively brains and busy lives. 

So, we close our morning gates five minutes after the bell rings. School starts at 8:05. We close all three gates at 8:10. After that time, students must enter through the front office and be marked tardy. But that five minute grace period is something that most schools don't offer. 

Here at Walgrove, we do what we can to be as generous as we can within the confines of State and Federal bureaucracy. We also offer morning supervision starting at 7:30. We encourage all to drop off kiddos early so as to beat the rush!

If you will be taking a vacation outside of the allotted times per the LAUSD calendar please let your teacher know at least three days in advance so you can pursue Independent Study, which is when we give you some work to do (typically related to the vacation, like photos, journal entries, stories, a bit of math and physical exercise) and we get to mark you present (not absent!). This is for vacations of 3-14 school-days in duration. 

Regarding the robocalls you might receive for absences and tardies, I DO NOT SEND THOSE. Even though the message might say "This is the principal" or something like that, IT IS NEVER REALLY ME. I NEVER SEND ROBO MESSAGES ABOUT ATTENDANCE OR TARDIES. 

I might call you directly from my cell phone (323) 363-1934 to inquire and to see if you need support of some kind (transportation, food bank, mental health services, connections to other services, etc). But, I won't call to harass you or make you feel shame, guilt or fear. 

I hope this is helpful information. 

Please let me know if you have any questions, concerns or cool ideas.

Thank you for your partnership!

Dr. K

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Sunday, October 6, 2024

Kind Safety Reminders

Dear Walgrovers, 

Please remember:

Walk (don't run) in the Quad, which is a high-traffic area

Stay on the ground (not in the trees or on the fence) while in the Quad and surrounding areas

During morning supervision, stay in the area of the Quad that is in and around the tables because that is where LAUSD supervision is centered (please don't stray beyond the central Quad)

At least one attendant at each gate in the morning and afternoon should wear an orange safety vest 

It is preferred that:

> Grades UTK-K arrive and depart on Morningside

> Grades 1-3 arrive and depart on Walgrove

> Grades 4-5 arrive and depart on Appleton

Older siblings may accompany younger siblings at their respective gates

Please no u-turns or 3-point turns during drop-off or pick-up

No gates should ever be unlocked and unmanned

No doors should be propped open and unmanned

Staff should keep phones on and at the ready but never in recreational use

Kiddos should keep their own phones and technological devices off and out of use until 6pm

Thank you for helping to keep Walgrove safe and happy!

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Walgrove Weekly Message

Dear Walgrove Families and Staff, 

A giant thank you to those who volunteered yesterday. Ms. B., Farmer Adam and I hosted an incredible gaggle of very gung-ho folks who accomplished more than their share! Thank you, thank you, thank you to those who came from UCLA, Walgrove and beyond to weed, mulch, plant, water and dream!

Speaking of dreams, as we embark up on this autumnal holiday season -- Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Indigenous People's Day, Halloween, Days of the Dead, Diwali, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving, and more, I invite us all to embrace the Holiday Spirit as the Holiday Spirit embodies acceptance of all who celebrate all. Coming together in diversity is, in itself, a dream and something to celebrate!


Let's gear up for the 3rd Annual Walgrove International Food Fest, Saturday, October 19 1-4pm. Bring your favorite dish from your most cherished childhood memory (or cookbook or travel log). This day will be about expanding perspectives and palates. I can still taste last year's dishes from Tunisia, Iran, Sweden, the Phillipines, New Orleans, Mexico, Chicago and beyond...

In the meantime, while you are salivating, here is some of what is coming up this week at Walgrove:


Mrs. Flanagan at Bernstein High School for the Yearly Emergent Bilingual Meeting 8am-3pm

Advanced Math Rm 20. Prepare to engage in an easy but potent multiplication game 2:40-3:30pm


Angel City Youth Chorale (sign up here) 1:45-3:00pm

Staff Meeting and PD in Rm 19 1:45-3:45pm


Chess day 2 (before school, during recess, during Lunch, during school, and after school)

Vision Screening for Kinders -- all day until completed, I imagine


Learning, growing, seeing, adventuring, experimenting, challenging, analyzing, reflecting, creating in all rooms, including outdoor classrooms, all day long


Prospective Parent Tour starting in the Quad then moving to the Auditorium 8:00-10:00am 

Friday morning assembly in the Quad. Ms. Zeena's class to lead the Pledge. Ballet Folklorico to perform 8:05-8:20am

Violin with Ms. Danielle Villalobos in the Library (sign up here2:35-3:30pm

Let's have a great week, Walgrove!

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