What's new in Education? What's different from when we were kids?
Content Standards | Common Core Standards |
Knowledge based | Skills based |
Product oriented | Process oriented |
Processes are demonstrated and copied. Answers are given expeditiously. Students are carried across the river. The goal is completing the work quickly and “correctly.” Teachers, not students, are typically functioning as the heroes of the story. The hope is that students will remember. | Productive struggle is encouraged. Students discover processes through trial and error. Students swim across the river. Teachers and aides wait, watch and encourage from the shore OR they swim alongside. But they don’t carry students across the river. The goal for students is to go through the process of thinking and exercising the mind. Students must connect the synapses and become the heroes of their own story. |
Low-order Bloom’s, e.g., remembering and understanding theoretically, but not conceptualizing down to the bones | High-order Bloom’s, e.g., reasoning: applying; analyzing; evaluating; creating... |
Teacher driven | Student driven |
Teacher is "sage on the stage" lecturer or mommy robin that places already-chewed knowledge into the mouths of babes | Teacher is event planner and/or facilitator. When facilitating, the teacher asks leading questions (think Socrates) and offers wait time and provides as many students as possible the opportunity to share their thinking (not necessarily with the whole group; could be with a partner or journal...) |
Students are empty vessels in need of being filled with information. They come with “deficits.” | Students come with richness and life experience and are eager to connect their own richness to new ideas when those ideas are presented in ways that acknowledge their richness |
Guided Practice with "gradual release": I Do, We Do, You Do. Teacher demonstrates a specific way; the class practices that way to get the hang of it; students each practice independently the teacher’s way. Beforehand, students are "front-loaded with info that they must memorize in order to later do. | Constructivism: You Do, We Do, I Do. "Fiddle about 'til you figure it out." Students experiment, attempting to carry out a challenge; they share questions and ideas with peers; they return to the teacher for validation and/or a new challenge. Any "front loading" is instead "side-loading" (like a chart, map or reference guide) that may be immediately applied in context. |
Differentiation | Universal Design for Learning (UDL) |
Homogeneous groups | Heterogeneous groups |
Single entree | Menu of options |
Teacher choice | Student choice |
Students limited to the confines of the teacher’s offering (and the teacher’s content knowledge) and to the collective wisdom of the homogeneous group | Unlimited (not even limited by the constraint of time because students will take their curiosity, meaning-seeking and agile minds with them wherever they go) |
Teacher does the high order thinking in analyzing, comparing, evaluating, synthesizing, preparing | Students do the high order thinking in applying, analyzing, comparing, evaluating, synthesizing, choosing, creating |
Students do individual work to show “standards mastery” | Students go on individual quests during which they practice skills, solve problems and seek meaning |
OR students do group work, often for group grades (which have a tendency to stifle the fringe/genius voices that are not also the dominant voices and that typically involve an imbalance of participation) | OR students work together to solve a problem, answer a guiding question or create something purposeful (roles may be chosen/assigned and equitable OR chosen/assigned and hierarchical to include a lead visionary or project manager so fringe/genius voices, whether dominant or not, are encouraged and fostered) |
When it makes sense to use teacher-led guided instruction (and gradual release):- High-stakes procedures like driving a stick shift, flying a helicopter or performing brain surgery
- Tasks where speed and standardization facilitate language and reasoning, as with procedures related to writing, such as printing, handwriting and typing
- Routines and procedures for engaging in Constructivist lessons, so there is more time spent on the meaningful work than on the transitions into the work
When teacher-led guided practice is potentially stifling:
- Low-stakes procedures where no one will die (or get seriously injured) if a student experiments and does things their own way, and whenever guided practice shuts down reasoning (and ultimately atrophies reasoning), and/or when the "correct" or standard way of doing something lacks purpose and is "just because it is what has always been done”
Questions to ponder:- What kind of tasks does the SBAC (end of the year state assessment) include?
- What kind of problems will students encounter in life?
- Which column of the table likely leads to higher SBAC scores?
- Which column likely leads to students being "successful" in college, career and life?
- Which type of lessons — teacher-led or student-led — likely leads more quickly to synaptic connections?
- Which column of the table gives you the strongest emotional response?
- Which aspects of teaching and learning are you most intriqued by?
Of course, after answering these questions, we are always encouraged to answer the ultimate question, which is "Why?" "Why is this so?" and "Why do I feel this way?" Such questions are essential.
I would love it if you were to reach out and engage in conversation with me/us about this or other education related topics via andrea.kittelson1@lausd.net.
Thank you!
Principal Kittelson
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