You can either come to my Coffee and Diet Coke with the Principal today at 3 in my Zoom room to ask questions about Hybrid and Virtual here at Walgrove OR, if you don't have any pressing questions, you can go check out Tracey Silva's workshop on the Parent Portal and Daily Pass:
Ms. B's CGI Family Math Night Zoom link To RSVP and ask questions:
Here are a few factoids about school attendance in LAUSD: Education is compulsory for children ages 6 and up (until graduation). While full...
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports/Restorative Practices (PBIS/RP) at Walgrove 2023-2024LAUSD and Walgrove emply Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports/Restorative Practices (PBIS/RP). PBIS is a nationwide (actually, gl...
>> Students in LAUSD may be designated Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) in 7 categories : Intellectual Ability (K+, tested by LA...
Dear Families, Beginning the week of 04.19, we will begin to host in-person instruction AND virtual instruction... Monday, April 19 is an ...
LAUSD implements Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) district-wide. Each school in LAUSD must create school-site matrices...
Dear Winter Academy families, Winter Academy is from Monday, December 18 through Wednesday, December 20, 2023 . >> If your children n...
LAUSD implements Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) district-wide. Each school in LAUSD must create school-site matrice...
Dr. Andrea Kittelson Principal Office ZOOM GOOGLE Yelena Malysheva APEIS Office N/A N/A Tracy ...
To log into the District iPad, use your child's email address and password. Their email address ends with If y...