Thursday, April 16, 2020

Sample Parent Schedule

We have created and shared sample student schedules. So, how about sample parent schedules?

What is your "day in the life" so far? 

Here is my imagination of a parent-teacher schedule -- a parent who is also a teacher:

...which inspired this Walgrove parent to share with me her actual schedule:

Our "Day in the Life" is starting to look at follows...

Sunday afternoon. I prep a schedule for both boys that includes all of their scheduled Zoom calls as well as a list of academic "goals" for each day of the week. For example: Connor's today had and 11:30 Zoom story time and 1:00 Zoom with Ms. Francesca. His goals includes Math Book pages 311-316, sight word practice reading and writing, eight words a day three times, read a decodable book out load to Mom or Dad and ELA workbook pages 38-39...

Jack's had 9:00 Zoom ELA, 10:30 Zoom math and goals were label US state map with names of states and capitals (a project we're working on) and picking a state to start researching online; math book pages 669-670, free write for 20 minutes.  I don't care what order they do these daily goals in so long as they're checked off by the end of the day. 

Mom School is hard they tell me!

A typical day for us seems to be going as follows:

6:30-8:00: Wake up/read/eat breakfast
8:15-10:00: Work/school time: Mom sits at dining room table, Connor at a small desk in dining room and Jack at a desk in back room; boys either on Zooms or doing independent work on their daily goals
10:00 -10:30: Snack time/recess time: boys can bounce on trampoline outside or ride bikes around the block
10:30-12:00: Work/school time: continue work on zooms/daily goals
12:00-1:00: Lunch time
1:00-2:00: Quiet time/free play time - Legos, puzzles, reading, outside play
2:00-3:00: Art time - I've been trying to do different art projects with them daily and they are loving oil paints - we all sit at the table and create and listen to music while I try to work
3:00-4:00: More free play time/iPad time allowed (if daily goals have been met)
4:00: walk the dog/bike ride with dad/family
5:00: Dinner prep
6:30: Game or out loud reading with Mom or Dad (we're re-reading the Fudge series right now for some laughs)
7:30/8:00: Bedtime - I'm a stickler for this one!!!
8:00: "Milk" and Tiger King!!! or Schitt's Creek, which I was so sad just ended

If you would like to share your family's schedule, please send it to