Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Current Prevailing Master Schedule

Dear Families,

Throughout this week, we have been refining our master schedule of VIRTUAL offerings, which currently includes video uploads, Zoom sessions, Google Classroom check-ins and more. This master schedule is for those of you would would like to connect with your teachers and with academic subjects through the powers of technology, which now, after loaning out approximately 75 devices, all Walgrove students should have (if you do not, please reach out):
For those of you who DO prefer technology, here is a sample STUDENT schedule of a day's worth of school:
For those of you who DO NOT prefer technology, and instead prefer analog activities, here is a sample STUDENT schedule of a day's worth of school:
While the district is in the process of developing overarching guidelines for grading the student work that is completed during this time, we at Walgrove do have an Independent Study grading rubric that you might find helpful. It considers thoroughness of work, quality of work, presentation of work, grade-level skills and 21st Century skills.
As you continue to provide for your children the most robust learning experience possible during this time, please know a few things:
  • The Superintendent does not require or expect that elementary school students will complete an entire six-hour day of school every day during this time. While we at Walgrove are doing our best to give you the resources you need to replicate an entire school day at home, should you choose to, that is not the requirement. The district would like for elementary school students to focus foremost on foundational skills, such as reading, writing, computation, critical thinking, creative thinking and Social Emotional Learning — basically, reading, writing, math and fun. Superintendent Beutner has said that elementary school students should be able to accomplish this in approximately three hours of focused study per day. Obviously, this might vary according to age, circumstance and parental desire. Nonetheless, rest assured that you are not obligated to present to your children a full day of replicated school. 
  • Certificated teachers are all expected to work full time (or nearly full time, per UTLA agreement) during this crisis. As you can imagine, due to the learning curve of this experience and certain logistics, teachers are actually working far more than their typical, contractual 7 hours per day. Most are currently working 10-14 hours per day. As part of their contractual day, during this crisis, teachers are expected to provide a minimum of four hours per week of virtual education, generally in ELA and math, and typically through video uploads, Zoom sessions, Google Chat and more, plus three hours per week of office hours where parents and/or students can expect an immediate response. The other time is spent creating lessons, personalizing lessons, uploading lessons, reading student work, giving students feedback, answering emails, taking workshops to learn the tools they are now expected to use, and more. All while taking care of and teaching their own children.
  • While teachers are expected to provide virtual activities, families are not obligated to access these virtual offerings. Some parents do not want their children in front of a screen. That is OK. That is why we at Walgrove have provided families with analog lessons, as well. Do what works for you and your family.
  • While we have all been inundated with an abundance of resources, including videos, on-line programs, software, etc., please know that you are under no obligation to try or use ANY of them. Do what works for you and your family. Indeed, it can feel very overwhelming to be presented with so many options. If you prefer to read books aloud, play board games, bake bread, sew and work in your garden side by side with your children and have them journal about it or sing a song about it, do that. If children are reading, writing, computing, thinking critically, thinking creatively and experiencing love and joy, they are learning. 
Please stay in touch with your teachers and with me. Feel free to reach out to me via email at or cell at (323) 363-1934. 

Thank you for your partnership.

Stay safe, and be well!