Dear Walgrove Families and Staff,
Thank you to those who came to weed and otherwise support our Outdoor Education program this weekend!
Thank you, Adam, for showing everyone different ways to enjoy the solar eclipse.
Here are a few happy reminders. I am working on putting them into the form of a song called "The No Song." Bcause while we are encouraged to put "rules" in the form of positives, such "Do this (instead of that), sometimes it is also helpful and memorable to just list the "no's." Hopefully, you agree enough to help me put these "no's" into a fun song!
In the meantime, following is the basic gist in a list. If you can write a song about this list cheaper, better and faster than I can, please do so! Then you can perform your song at a Friday morning assembly!
No toys. Please leave your toys at home because at school toys tend to cause distraction and conflict and sometimes envy among those who don’t have the same (or any) toys. This is especially true of Pokemon cards. The only exception MIGHT be "Show and Tell" (for those teachers that offer "Show and Tell"). But then, those teachers should encourage "Show and Tell" items other than toys, and if those teachers do allow toys, they must keep the toys in their own possession on that day.
But please no Pokemon for "Show and Tell." Just no Pokemon at school.
If the STAR program allows you to “buy” toys with your STAR dollars after school, please bring those toys home after that and keep them there.
No gum. No gum anywhere but inside the classroom with teacher permission in case you need gum for deep and ponderous cognition. But then you must spit the gum out before exiting the classroom. Gum is dangerous during play and causes property damage across campus and poses a health hazard to bunnies and birds (and chickens!)
No running, playing ball, scooting, or biking in the quad. Run and play ball in the upper yard where there are acres and acres to frolic.
What can you do in the Quad? Amble, meander, walk, speedwalk, saunter like a runway model, hop in place, jump up and down in place, and dance. But please don’t run like the wind in the Quad and Cafeteria areas, which are high-traffic areas replete with all kinds of obstacles and other people.
No wielding sticks. Leave the sticks where they lie. And the lizards and the rocks. Enjoy the gardens and Wildlands with your eyes, not your mason jars and pockets. Also, please empathize with the lizards. They are sentient beings with desires just like us and even more prodigious ninja talents. They should be respected.
No laughing. Just kidding. Please laugh and giggle a lot!
Here is some of what is coming up this week at Walgrove:
Violin in the Auditorium w/Danielle Villalobos 2:30-3:15pm
Staff Meeting and PD 1:45-3:15 in Rm 24
Preparation for the Great Shakeout 1:45-2:30
Cohort Meetings 2:30-3:15
Angel City Youth Chorale with Debralee and Jahna in the Auditorium 1:45-3:00
Coffee and Diet Coke with the Principal 7pm in Dr. K's Zoom room. Topic: Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) at Walgrove and Beyond
Dr. K Offsite at Principal Meeting 8:00-4:00
Tap Dancing w/Danielle Barto in the Auditorium 2:30-4:00pm
GREAT Shakeout 10/19 at 10:19
LSLC meeting 2:45-3:30 in Dr. K's Zoom room
Members (50% UTLA):
Kittelson, McCarthy, Biolatto, Gonzalez, [Need a 4-5 Teacher or Service Provider], Parent Sharon Beam
However, all are welcome!
SSC meeting 3:30-4:00 in Dr. K's Zoom room (Open to the Community)
- The School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) -- strategies to improve attendance and test scores, especially, but not exclusively among students with disabilities
- The Integrated Safe School Plan -- ongoing recommended revisions, e.g., updating staff names, refining Request and Reunion Gate procedures, and more
Members (50% Parents):
Kittelson, McCarthy, [Need a Teacher], Parents Sharon Beam, Gita Stulberg, and Agata Schultz
Alternates: Parents Lisa Margeson and Danielle Barto and community member Steve Broutt
However, all are welcome!
Assembly (and Coffee Cart and Farm Stand) in the Quad 8:05-8:20
- Ms. Webster and Mr. Choe's classes to lead the Pledge
- Performer(s) TBD
- Halloween Costume Swap
Prospective Parent Tour 8-10am in the Quad, then the Auditorium for the Tour Video, followed by the tour in myriad and sundry rooms
International Food Fest 1:00-4:00pm in the Quad. Sign up to bring something here! (OR come hungry!)
Let's have a great week, Walgrove!
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