Friday, September 29, 2023

Attendance and You

 Here are a few factoids about school attendance in LAUSD:

  • Education is compulsory for children ages 6 and up (until graduation).
  • While full-day attendance is the law, any student who is present for at least 30 minutes of an hour is marked present. (Ideally before 9am, which is when attendance submittal is due.)
  • The State of CA funds schools based on their Average Daily Attendance (ADA). So every absence costs the District $. Every student at school brings the District $. Each student absence costs the District upwards of $70. 
  • The State of CA and the District evaluate a school's effectiveness, in part, based on the number of students deemed Chronically Absent, which means absent 10% (or more) of the # of school year (see the CA Dashboard). In 2019, the last year that this data was displayed on the CA Dashboard, Walgrove was excellent in every category (ELA, math, discipline, attendance) except attendance. We earned a "Red" in attendance and hence had to form a School Site Council (SSC) and create goals and strategies to address Chronic Absenteeism.
  • Parents may excuse absences for illness or other reasons within 10 days of the absence (see Ed Code 48205); however, excusing an absence doesn't make it disappear. It still counts as an absence for the purpose of state fundingHowever, since teachers only have access to attendance for four days, parents should provide a signed note as soon as possible upon return to school
  • Why do we "excuse" absences, if this does not make the absences disappear? This is to distinguish absences due to illness (or another acceptable reason) from those due to truancy. Because school is compulsory, the state and the District keep track of student attendance. This distinction is relevant in law enforcement, custody, and child welfare matters.
  • Attendance is important not just for funding, of course, or to stay off the radar of government overlords, but for bonding, automaticity and momentum. The more students are in school, the more they bond with teachers and peers, the more automatic and routine their skills become, and the more momentum they build, propelling them with increasing force toward successful futures. 
  • If you know you must be absent for 3-14 days, please contact us about going on an Independent Study.
For more detailed information, visit the Parent-Student Handbook

Enjoy this shortened version of the Walgrove AttenDANCE:

Attendance Calendar

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Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Coffee and Diet Coke with the Principal Tonight at 7pm & LAUSD Schedule of Sensitive Topics

Dear Walgrove Families, 

Please join me for Coffee and Diet Coke with the Principal tonight at 7pm in my Zoom room

The topic will be how to spot and report "grooming" behaviors. This is part of a series of presentations throughout the year at LAUSD elementary, middle and high schools for staff, students and parents. 



Student Audience

Purpose of the Presentation


Inappropriate Interactions/Grooming Awareness

Middle School and High School Students

Help students recognize the signs of inappropriate interactions/grooming and how to get assistance


Suicide Awareness Prevention

All Students

Elementary Students:

Help students learn how to share and discuss their feelings.

Secondary Students:

Identify three steps for suicide prevention, warning signs, risk factors, and how to get assistance


Substance Use Awareness/Fentanyl

Middle School and High School Students

Help students understand the risks of substance use, discourage its use, and to help students make healthy choices


School Violence Prevention

All Students

Elementary Students:

Share ways to help students be safe and how to get assistance

Secondary Students:

Identify the three steps for school violence prevention, warning signs, risk factors, and how to get help



All Students

Help students understand the importance of being safe when online


Online/Digital Grooming Awareness

All Students

Help students recognize the signs of inappropriate interactions/grooming when online and how to get assistance 

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Monday, September 25, 2023

Walgrove Weekly Message

Dear Walgrove Families and Staff, 

Thank you for a beautiful week of so many wonderful things -- from classroom instruction with our indefatigable classroom teachers to the STEAM Studio with Ms. Francesca and Ms. Gela, PE with Coach Rachel, the Edible Garden and Wildlands with Farmer Adam, theater with incoming Broadway performers (names to be announced super soon!), Back to School Night, the Welcome Bash and so much more!

Regarding the Welcome Bash, I would like to personally thank top-selling West Side real estate expert Stacy Blair Young for sponsoring the Welcome Bash. The food and drink (and consequential conversation and dance) were beyond delicious!

Thank you, also, to the hosts and parent volunteers who created such a stupendous experience for all. So much laughing. So much dancing! No pictures fit to post. 


Here is some of what is coming up this week at Walgrove




Angel City Youth Chorale 1:45-3:00pm for Gr 1-5 in the Auditorium. If not yet signed up, sign up here

Staff Meeting and PD - Grooming Behaviors and their Implications - Rm 24 @ 1:45


Coffee and Diet Coke with the Principal - 7pm in Dr, K's Zoom room - TOPIC: District mandated presentation regarding "grooming" behaviors -- how to spot them and how to report them


Tap with Danielle Barto 2:30-4:00pm for all grades in the Auditorium. If not signed up, sign up here


The usual fanciness and shenanigans (see previous and future pics!)


Assembly in the Quad - Ms. Elkins' Class to Lead the Pledge & Gabriel to perform - 8:05am

Lockdown Drill 10:35am


Fro Yo 2:30 - $5

Violin with Danielle Villalobos in the Library 2:30-3:15pm


Volunteer Day 9am-1:00pm (UCLA & USC Students 9-Noon)

Let's have a great week, Walgrove!


Principal's Corner (Volunteer Info, Updates, News...)

LAUSD Strategic Plan

LAUSD Calendar 2023-2024

Region West Calendar 2023-2024

Walgrove Calendar 2023-2024

Walgrove PD Calendar 2023-2024

Walgrove Bell Schedule

Walgrove Enrichment Schedule

K-12 Math

K-12 EnglishLanguageArts

Assessment IOC

PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports) Docs​

Attendance Info

LAUSD Safety Smarts Video

LAUSD COVID Guidelines 2023-2024
Dr. K's Zoom Room

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Sunday, September 17, 2023

Walgrove Weekly Message

Dear Walgrove Families and Staff, 

I hope you are enjoying your weekend! If you are observing Rosh Hashanah, I wish you shanah tovah

Here is some of what is coming up this week at Walgrove:


Book fair with classroom visits during the school day throughout the week

LSLC and SSC Elections. Nominate yourself or someone else HERE. The LSLC and SSC are the official school decision-making bodies (FOW is a community-building and fundraising body.) Read more information here. 

Violin with Danielle Villalobos 2:30-3:15pm in the Auditorium Starting September 29. Grades 2+. Violins provided. SIGN UP HERE AND START FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29 2:30 IN THE LIBRARY. 


Book fair with classroom visits during the school day throughout the week


Angel City Youth Chorale 1:45-3:00 in the Auditorium. SIGN UP HERE

Staff Meeting and PD: Asynchronous MyPLNS, Including Anti-Bias Training(s)

Back to School Night & Book Fair 4:30-6pm; Book Fair 4:30-6; Classroom visits 5:00 and 5:30. ADULTS ONLY


Book fair with classroom visits during the school day throughout the week

Principal Meeting - Dr. K Offsite

Tap dancing with Danielle Barto 2:30-3:30 in the Auditorium. Bring your tap shoes. SIGN UP HERE


Book fair with classroom visits during the school day throughout the week


Book fair with classroom visits during the school day throughout the week

Assembly 8:05-8:20am. Ms. Lima's class to lead the Pledge. Rosalynn and Zoe to Perform. Guest DJ TBD.

Coffee and Diet Coke with the Principal 8:30am in the Parent Center


Violin with Danielle Villalobos 2:30-3:15pm in the Auditorium Starting September 29. Grades 2+. Violins provided. SIGN UP HERE AND START FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29 2:30 IN THE LIBRARY. 


Back to School Bash for Parents, Staff and Invited Guests. RSVP Here. 



Let's have a great week, Walgrove!


Principal's Corner (Volunteer Info, Updates, News...)

LAUSD Strategic Plan

LAUSD Calendar 2023-2024

Region West Calendar 2023-2024

Walgrove Calendar 2023-2024

Walgrove PD Calendar 2023-2024

Walgrove Bell Schedule

Walgrove Enrichment Schedule

K-12 Math

K-12 EnglishLanguageArts

Assessment IOC

PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports) Docs​

Attendance Info

LAUSD Safety Smarts Video

LAUSD COVID Guidelines 2023-2024
Dr. K's Zoom Room

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Monday, September 11, 2023

LSLC and SSC Orientation/Info Today at 3pm in Dr. K's Zoom Room

If you are curious about the two school decision-making bodies, the LSLC and/or SSC, come to our LSLC & SSC Orientation meeting today at 3 in Dr. K's Zoom room

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Sunday, September 10, 2023

Walgrove Weekly Message

Dear Walgrove Families and Staff, 

We have just completed the fourth week of school! We are 10% into the awesomeness that this school year has to offer. This is so promising! Already, so many kiddos have exceeded teacher and parent expectations.

As you know, our munchkins do several phenomenal things at home in the presence of their families. But, they also do a host of additional things at school in the presence of a group. Holy cow and wow!


Here is a pic I took of Mr. G's class: 

Here, too, is some of what is coming up this week at Walgrove:


LSLC and SSC Informational Sessions 3pm. ELECTIONS NEXT WEEK.

For information on how to become a part of the LSLC, please read this information on the LSLC then come to LSLC orientation meeting Monday, September 11, 2023 at 3pm in Dr. K's Zoom room

After-School Program 2:30-6pm. If not yet enrolled and wish to be, contact Jasmine Espitia at

Violin in the Auditorium TBD (Awaiting Word from Danielle Villalobos). 


Staff Meeting and PD 1:45 in Rm 24: Meeting the Needs of Students in Gifted and Talented Education (GATE), Students with Individual Educational Plans (IEPs) and Students in English Language Development (ELD), including Designated and Integrated ELD. 

After-School Program 2:30-6pm. If not yet enrolled and wish to be, contact Jasmine Espitia at

Angel City Youth Chorale (Kiddo Version of the Angel City Chorale) in the Auditorium 1:45-3. 

Sign up here

Coffee and Diet Coke (or Beverage of Choice) with the Principal - 7pm in in Dr. K's Zoom room


Beginning of the Year (BOY) Assessments (DIBELS, iREADY, ELPAC, etc)

After-School Program 2:30-6pm. If not yet enrolled and wish to be, contact Jasmine Espitia at 

Tap Dance Lessons with Danielle Barto 2:30 in the Auditorium. All Ages and levels welcome. Just show up with tap shoes! (I know I will!)






Beginning of the Year (BOY) Assessments (DIBELS, iREADY, ELPAC, etc)

After-School Program 2:30-6pm. If not yet enrolled and wish to be, contact Jasmine Espitia at


Assembly in the Quad 8:05 

    Plant Manager Omar to DJ

    Mr. Merrick's Class to Lead the Pledge

    Dr. K, Maren, and Violet to Perform 

    FOW to Provide Hispanic Heritage Month Wares

Dr. K at EPO Meeting 9-12 (Virtual)

(If there's other stuff today, we'll let you know. On Fridays, one never knows!)

After-School Program 2:30-6pm. If not yet enrolled and wish to be, contact Jasmine Espitia at


Hispanic Heritage Month - September 15 - October 15

US Constitution Day - September 17 (Instruction About the US Constitution for 2 Weeks)

Book Fair September 18-22 in the Walgrove Library

Walgrove Back to School Night September 19 4:30-6pm (Classroom Visits 5-6pm)

Back to School Bash (for Parents and Staff) September 23 6:30pm

Volunteer Day (with up to 50 UCLA Student Volunteers) Saturday, September 30, 9am-1pm

Let's have a great week, Walgrove!

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