Monday, June 27, 2022
Saturday, June 18, 2022
Greeting from Our Principal
It is my great honor and privilege to serve as the principal of Walgrove.
Walgrove is a vibrant community replete with positive energy, artistic and entrepreneurial exuberance and big dreams. I am excited about all that we will together create!
To share a bit about myself, I have been an educator for close to 29 years, 21 as a teacher and 8 as an administrator. I have taught nearly all grades and subjects from bilingual kindergarten in East Oakland to Advanced Placement English Literature in Beverly Hills.
As an administrator, I have served students at a charter span school in Carson and more recently the juvenile court schools for the Los Angeles County Office of Education.
My passions include creativity, rigor, experimentation, entrepreneurship and interdisciplinary project-based work where students dream, discover, craft and create and ultimately become all they are meant to become.
It is a joy to be immersed in a place where the arts and humanities play a role in unmasking the complexities of math and science and where students are cultivated to become skilled and confident leaders and collaborators.
I am thrilled to work in an environment where social-emotional growth is emphasized alongside academic prowess, recognizing that in addition to scholarship, students must build social skills and emotional intelligence in order to become truly great leaders poised to effect positive change in our ever-evolving global family.
With its Wildlands, STEAM Studio, Edible Garden, theater program, small burgeoning farm and myriad other offerings, I am convinced that Walgrove is the quintessential den of creativity and a truly unique place where children both flourish and are happy. With great eagerness and enthusiasm, I look forward to another fantastic year with all of you.
If you have any questions, concerns, ideas or dreams, please share them with me. I would love to hear from you.
Principal Andrea Kittelson, EdD
Friday, June 17, 2022
Thursday, June 9, 2022
LCAP Input
Provide your input in next year's LAUSD LCAP. Come discuss at Coffee and Diet Coke with the Principal today at 3 OR provide your opinions about the District LCAP here.
Thursday, June 2, 2022
School Safety Update
Dear Walgrove Families and Staff,
To ensure a school community that is as safe as possible, please help us adhere to the following:
School Access:
- All gates locked at all times, other than during arrival and dismissal when they are manned.
- At least one gatekeeper per gate should have on an orange (or yellow) vest.
- All gatekeepers must screen entrants for COVID symptoms.
- No doors to the outdoor world may be propped open.
- All BIIs the gatekeepers don't recognize and substitute BIIs and substitute teachers and parent volunteers must enter through the front office. Only 5-minute parent escorts, LAUSD employees and non-LAUSD BIIs that you recognize may enter through the side gates. And all must sign in at the front office, anyway.
- All parents who are staying longer than a 5-minute escort to class must have advance approval from the Principal. The exception is volunteers who work a regular schedule (e.g., M-W-F)
- All parent volunteers must wear their badge.
- All visitors must wear a visitor sticker.
- All aides and assistants must wear orange (or yellow) vests while manning the gate and/or supervising the yard.
- All staff must have email and/or text at the ready for cases of emergency.
Student Property:
- Students may not use electronic devices during or after school. All devices on hand for emergencies should be left in backpacks.
- Students are strongly discouraged from bringing toys to school, as they may incite conflict, be a danger to younger children (or our prized flora and fauna) or be lost or stolen. Please keep your Pokemon cards and other similar toys at home. We have games and activities at school for use during recess, lunch and after school. If you do bring toys, despite this plea, please assume your own risk.
- Students should not distribute or share food, as there are many students with different types of allergies and others with yet-to-be-known allergies. Any/all food distribution should be handled officially through teachers in concert with the principal, as there are competitive food laws and other health laws to consider.
- Students should honor and respect their own possessions and the possessions of others. Please don't leave behind clothes on the ground. If you see someone's jacket on the ground, kindly bring it to them. Don't interfere with other students' books and papers and materials in or on their desks. Treat our things with the same respect we strive to treat one another.
COVID Safety:
- LAUSD staff, registered parent volunteers and students should test weekly.
- All who are sick with something contagious, either COVID or a cold, should stay home.
- If you test positive, isolate and test again on Day 6 or beyond. Come back to work or school as soon as you test negative (or after 10 days have passed).
- If there is a positive case in a class, all others in that class should mask for 10 days.
- For special events that are outdoors (e.g., assemblies, volunteer days and WeMoves), we recommend negative tests and masks. For special events that are indoors, we require negative tests and recommend masks.
Thank you for helping us all be as safe as possible while still espousing as much joy as possible!
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Ms. B's CGI Family Math Night Zoom link To RSVP and ask questions:
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Dr. Andrea Kittelson Principal Office ZOOM GOOGLE Yelena Malysheva APEIS Office N/A N/A Tracy ...
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