Monday, March 21, 2022

Paul Revere Orientation for New Families May 21


Rites and Bites of the Roundtable is Back!

We will be inviting all students Gr 1-5 who have been designated by the District or their teachers as Gifted or potentially Gifted to our weekly Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) meeting Fridays during Lunch starting Friday, April 1, 2022

This is an opportunity for students to gather with others who, like them, may sometimes feel strange or odd or out of place or frustrated by how quickly they understand things (while others don't) yet are misunderstood themselves. 

While our classes are purposefully heterogeneous so that all students might learn from others who are different from them, (and no one is limited daily by not having a particular label), we create this regular opportunity for students to be with likeminded peers in a setting where they are free to discuss their unique experience AND work together on various projects. 

Previous projects have included songwriting, storytelling, building Lego Utopias and more. 

This week's activity will be an interdisciplinary in-class scavenger hunt followed by Lego exploration. 

I will alert teachers and families of the current invite list this week. 

Students who choose NOT to participate on any given Friday certainly do not have to. This is Optional.

Mark Twain Parent Tour April 7


Friday, March 4, 2022

Ms. Zeena's Book Signing March 13

Our own Zeena Pliska, TK teacher and children's author extraordinaire, will read aloud from her book and sign copies (either bring one or buy one) Sunday, March 13 in Westchester. 

@ Manchester and Sepulveda, near the Farmers Market.